Development and Energy

Energy is an essential element for any sustainable development that the society desires to achieve. The overall growth of a society, whether industrial, agricultural, social, economical or in any aspect is highly dependent on availability of energy. Hardly any development is possible without electricity, one of the potent forms of energy.

Forms of energy

Energy is present in divergent forms. While electricity is one of the most known energy type, there are mechanical, manual, human, solar, and gravitational and such other different forms of energy. Basically we understand energy as the power that can be used to move things from one place to another. One unique characteristic of energy is that it can neither be created nor destroyed.

Use of energy

Energy ordinarily refers to “the potential for causing changes”. However the use of energy can be both scientific and non-scientific. A man moving a cart is an example of physical energy while lighting a candle is an example of combustion energy. In terms of physics, energy is the ability to do work and such energy may be potential, kinetic, electromagnetic etc. But the basic principles in use of energy remain the same always that it is a “force applied through a distance.” Though energy is something abstract there is a measurement of energy in terms of Joule which is one Newton applied to one meter. This is the standard unit for measurement of the energy source.


While normal consumption of energy does not affect the environment adversely, there are many energy producing elements that affect the environment quite badly. These energy producing sources result in environment pollution by polluting air and water. For example, there are electric power plants that burn coal, oil, or natural gas to produce electricity. In result they emit air pollutants like Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Sulfur Dioxide and Trioxide (SOx) and Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) gases. These gases are also called greenhouse gases. They further pollute the environment by warming the climate. Another emission that is harmful to environment is that of trace metals while using fossil metals for electricity generation. These trace metals that are harmful for the environment is cadium, manganese, mecury, nickel, chromium etc. Therefore, energy, while essential for human civilization, may also turn out to be a curse if the proper perspectives about its production vis-a-vis environmental pollution is not taken care of.