Advertising – the key to marketing

Any business organization aims at marketing and selling its products or services to gain profit. To achieve this objective it is necessary that the messages go loud and clear to prospective customers indicating the utility and advantages of obtaining your product or services. This aspect of business is taken care of by advertising. It is through advertising that business concerns deliver their messages to prospective buyers inducing them to have a short at their products or procure their services. Advertisement is thus the link between the entrepreneur aiming to promote his business and the unseen buyer desiring the best of products and services. Advertisement promotes marketing. Marketing promotes sales and therefore, profit and thus advertisement becomes an important ingredient in profit making for an organization.

Status and standard of business and advertising

In a small firm the scope of diversification of responsibilities is limited. Hence it is not surprising to find the proprietor or Chief Executive Officer taking up the burdens of advertisement, marketing, public relations and sales. But in larger organizations it is not possible. There the functions are to be distributed and accordingly there should have to be a specialized agency or sector to take care of advertising. And ever so important is marketing. In between advertising and marketing there will be promotions, public relations, and sales managements.

How advertising affects marketing

Marketing is an art of wining psychological warfare. Advertising is the most potent weapon a marketing man has in his armory. Advertising may come in any form of print media, that is, in newspapers, in form of leaflets, literatures etc. Advertisement may also come in the electronic media through the television, videos, DVDs and CDs or radio or any form. But the selling prospects of a commodity or services are greatly enhanced with a dose of intelligent and timely advertising. It is often seen that a good advertising effort own millions of customers which would never have been possible moving on a door to door demonstration process.

Marketing Managers

While advertising opens the gateway for marketing the product and services you offer by bringing in a hoard of new customers in to the fray, marketing is involved in giving concrete shape to the openings provided by advertising. Marketing manager’s responsibility is developing the marketing strategy of the firm in detail. It is the marketing manager who often decides the type of advertisement that should be used for the company or the product. He works in close collaboration with sales, product development and advertising to help maximize the profit of the firm while ensuring that the customers are satisfied. Thus when advertising, and marketing strategy complements each other affectively, the organization is bound to be a profitable organization.